Energy Savings for All Ratepayers
Community solar-plus-storage would enable more than a million Californians to save $300+ per year on energy bills – and all ratepayers get to reap the benefits of distributed energy.
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We Need the CPUC to Reverse Course and Adopt Community Solar + Storage Now
Regulators just endorsed a proposal that will take us backwards
On March 4, the California Public Utilities Commission’s Administrative Law Judge issued a proposed decision on community solar+storage that does not support affordability, encourages cost-shift, and leaves California stuck in the past, without a path forward to meet clean energy, affordability, and environmental justice goals. If this decision is adopted, the community solar industry and billions of dollars in private capital will choose to build anywhere but California.

Community solar + storage is still within reach
State officials must reject the flawed decision and back the widely-supported Net Value Billing Tariff proposal that will keep the lights on in California, lower energy bills for all ratepayers, most significantly for low income customers, and advance environmental justice. A successful community solar-plus-storage program that embraces the thoughtful, market-tested NVBT would enable more than one million Californians to save at least $300 per year.
California is usually a leader, it shouldn’t drag the U.S. backwards
California needs the clean energy community solar + storage would bring now as the state struggles to keep the lights on and puts billions of dollars of taxpayer subsidies into dirty fossil plants to keep the grid working on hot summer evenings. However, not only does the proposal before the Commission forgo shovel-ready projects, it creates unnecessary ammunition for clean energy opponents around the country and sets back the US’s goals for serving 5 million customers with community solar.

Take Action
Governor Newsom has an ambitious energy plan for California.
But there’s one missing piece to ensure affordability and equity—community solar!
The benefits:
Drives down energy costs
Brings solar access to renters and low-income households—a gamechanger for renewables
Promotes clean, renewable energy across the state
Email the California Public Utilities Commission now. Tell the CPUC that you support community solar and they should too!
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